Search Results
Sweet Leslie RS3L When I Say Happy Veterans Day Everyone
NS 5333 East South Bend, IN Awesome Leslie RS3L Horn
Great RS3L on IHB 4019 West in Dolton, IL 6/9/20
*Archive Video * AMAZING RS3L Echos on a BNSF B40-8W thru Mazon
CSAO WPMI-61 (11/13/20) NS 5302/CSXT 6129
RJ Corman "Jett Local" W/EX-CONRAIL AMAZING LESLIE RS3L EB Through Duckers, Kentucky
IT 1605 Leads the Caboose Train with its Sweet Lesile RS3L
CSAO WPMI-61 (12/22/20) NS 5310/NS 5302
IHB 4019 with RS3L and Metra 411 at Franklin Park IL
NS GP38-2 5302 leads a heavy WPMI-61 on 7/9/19, nice RS3L and hard throttling!
5/5/21 NS (Ex-Conrail) GP38-2 5302 on the Chester Secondary in Essington, PA